It is amazing to think that LGBT History Month has been going for a
whole ten years! It seems like only yesterday that we first spoke to Sue
and her team about getting information into our magazine and that
relationship has continued for the whole decade. The thing we like
about LGBT History month here at Fyne Times Towers is that they
have always remained true to their aim – to get LGBT History into the
It’s been quite a roller-coaster ride for the LGBT community, and in
writing about the recent changes for the queer community all over the
world, it seems to me there has been a clear split of fortunes. Here in
the West we have seen same-sex marriage turn from a dream to a real
thing. In America, Europe and here in the UK, it seems as though there
is another partnership victory every week. The long awaited marriage
rights we sought are now a reality. It seems like gay advocates have won
the day in the last ten years fair and square…or should that be, fair and
However, this is not the case everywhere. In many parts of Africa,
namely Uganda and Nigeria, laws criminalising homosexuality have
been drastically tightened up. In Russia, a crack-down in homosexuality
has led to laws banning ‘gay propaganda’. And worldwide, there seem
to be more and more murders based on homophobia and transphobia.
So it is a tale of two worlds at the moment. What this teaches us is that
we might have won our rights, but prejudice can pop out of nowhere.
If we make sure the next generation have been taught tolerance and
understanding with the same sense of importance as maths and reading.
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