Summer 2015 - page 4-5

So summer is here again and that can only mean one thing, pride
season! So in this issue of Fyne we have tried to focus on all
things bright and flamboyant to accompany your rainbow-soaked
For a start, we have full details of every pride event taking place
in the Fyne Times area. We have tirelessly searched websites,
contacted press officers and come up with all the details you could
ever need to enjoy the prides in your area. So now there is no
excuse to stay home putting your feet up in the garden. Get out
there and support your local pride!
We’ve carried on the flamboyant theme and looked at an art form
that is surprisingly only just creeping its way into the gay scene,
burlesque! We interview two people who are queering the genre
and bringing cheeky striptease performances to gay audiences
across the UK and Europe. Our Gay Great this month is also of a
theatrical bent as we examine the life of one of the greatest modern
dancers ever, Alvin Ailey. His work inspired a generation of black
dancers and even President Obama is a fan of him. We also find out
that there is more to pirates than a Cornish accent. Not only were
they sometimes gay, they were also gay marriage trailblazers.
Let’s hope that the weather is as fabulous as we hope it will be!
Happy Pride Season!
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