Winter 2015 - page 4-5

LGBT History month has never been frightened of tackling subjects head-
on. Whether it is homophobia in sport or the terrible treatment of historical
figures, the fact that LGBT History Month is aimed at school-aged children is
no excuse to shy away from hard subjects. And this year, the theme looks right
into three areas of life that have time and time again be used as a justification
for prejudice – religion, belief and philosophy.
To mark this theme and celebrate the launch of the month at Queen’s College
Cambridge, we have produced an article for each subject to get you thinking.
Firstly we ask simply ‘why does religion hate us?’ Why is it that the majority
of major religions around the world condemn homosexuality and where did
the idea that being gay is bad or evil actually come from? For belief, we take
a look at the latest news in the search for a gay gene and question whether
discovering one will force people to change their beliefs about whether or not
homosexuality is a choice. Lastly, we take a philosophical look at whether
sexuality can be measured and whether it matters anyway.
It always seems quite significant that the launch event for LGBT History
Month appears in the same issue of Fyne as Anti-Bullying Week and Trans
Remembrance Day. Both of these initiatives remind us that the world isn’t yet
perfect. There is a lot of work still left to do.
And don’t forget that December 1st is also World AIDS Day. While the
national focus is on preventing the spread of the disease, the day also calls
for you to take some time on 1st December and remember that there are still
thousands upon thousands of people across the world who do not have access
to the life-prolonging drugs we have in this country. More needs to be done to
stamp out AIDS globally.
Oh and lastly, don’t forget to have a great Christmas!
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