Carterton Crier Issue 1 web - page 29

The Lions Clubs
of Oxfordshire
Message in a
Bottle Scheme
The Emergency Information scheme
from the Lions Clubs of Oxfordshire
Everyone will be acutely aware of the
problems faced by the emergency
services when they are called into the
home of someone who lives on their
own and who has, perhaps, collapsed
or been involved in an incident.
• Who is this person?
• What medication are they taking?
• Are they allergic to anything?
• Who is their next of kin (or carer)
for us to contact?
• Are there any pets in the house who
will need attention if this patient has
to be taken into hospital?
This is where the “Message in a Bottle”
is invaluable as it is there to help just
such people – vulnerable people who
are potentially at risk.
The plastic bottle measures
approximately 4” high and 2” diameter.
Personal information, such as medical
conditions, regular medications,
allergies, doctor’s details and details
of next of kin are written on a form
provided and placed inside the
bottle. The information inside could
obviously prove critical in deciding
any appropriate treatment or other
necessary action. The bottle is placed
in the fridge and a green sticker is
placed on the outside door of the
fridge. A second sticker is placed on
the inside of the main entrance door
(so that it is not visible to unwelcome
callers) to alert all emergency services
to its existence.
The scheme is strongly supported
by our local emergency services who
are impressed by the simplicity of
the system. It is also now a national
scheme, run throughout the country
by Lions and some other organisations
all with the same aim, ensuring that
their community is being helped to the
maximum. There are now over 81,000
of these little bottles in the fridges of
Oxfordshire alone – proving invaluable
day by day.
The Lions Clubs are very aware of
the fact that this is not a “flash in the
pan” – but an on-going commitment
to our communities and we have been
running this nationally since the year
2002. Our motto is “We Serve” and we
therefore tend towards really practical
and tangible methods of helping our
communities. The Lions are very proud
to be running a scheme which will give
peace of mind to so many people and
their families.
Please contact Lion Maddy Radburn, Carterton Lions for the County Clubs:
50 Davenport Road, Witney OX28 6EJ
01993 772241 |
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