Are you doing the famous person
thing at Cornbury and going off
site after your performance to stay
somewhere nice or are you digging
in at the campsite with everybody
Well it is a family festival and
my kids are coming along for the
whole weekend so I’m very much
looking forward to it. I’ve never
really been a festival kind of
person…I mean, I hate camping.
I really can’t stand tents and
don’t forget I’m also going to be
six months pregnant when I am
there as well. So I’m not going
for comfort! But no, I’m not
staying in a hotel. I’m going
to be staying on the campsite.
I’m going for it, definitely! I might hate
camping but my kids absolutely love it.
It doesn’t matter how much you hate
something, you will do it for your kids.
But I am definitely looking forward to the
weekend, yes.
Speaking of your children, how are they
both handling the fame? Are they getting
used to having a famous mum?
They have taken to the whole fame thing
like a duck to water. Any time somebody
stops to talk to me, they just take a step
back and don’t speak and they are really
patient. I’m really proud of the way they
have handled everything. My eldest has
worked out that I’ve got a little bit more
money now so she is saying things like ‘oh,
I love that coat’ or ‘can I have a pony?’ But
I’m not going to spoil them. My daughter
has started to earn money by taking the dog
for a walk, so fame means I can help her
earn her own money. I’m not buying her
any massively expensive things because it’s
not how I am as a mum and it’s not how I
am going to be.
What advice would you give to people who
managed to get into X Factor?
Enjoy it. Use it as an experience. If it
doesn’t happen for you, then one day there
will be an audition that you really want and
to have the experience of going through
something like this will help with every
other time you audition for something.
Many situations are helped if you to go in
with confidence because if you are nervous
and shaking, it can be a bit off-putting.
If you can keep your cool, it looks more
professional and experiences like X Factor
helps you to do that. I’d waited twenty years
for somebody of the calibre of the judges
to listen to me and give me the comments
they did, so the first audition was more of
an emotional time for me and when the live
shows started I wasn’t that nervous because
I just appreciated being there so much.
To find out what other acts are on at the
Cornbury Music festival this year, or to
buy tickets, visit
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