National Adoption Week
3-9th November
This year’s National Adoption Week is focussing on siblings. Those
of us lucky enough to have brothers and sisters know how special
the relationship between siblings can be. Sadly, sibling groups are
amongst the children who wait longest to be adopted. Being placed
with their siblings may not be the best option for every child, but
it is a tragedy if the shortage of adopters willing and able to adopt
siblings is the only reason why brothers and sisters cannot stay
National Anti-Bullying Week
17th – 21st November
Theme of this year’s AntiBullying Week is ‘let’s stop bullying for
all’. This year organisers are calling on the school community to
take action to stop the bullying of ALL children and young people –
including disabled children and those with special educational needs
– children who are significantly more likely to experience bullying
in schools and the wider community.
Stop our Silence
17th-21st November
During Anti-Bullying Week 2014 (17th - 21st of November)
Gendered Intelligence (GI) will be asking people to stay silent for
24 hours to raise awareness of gender-based bullying. GI want to
give young people the courage to break their silence around being
bullied because of their gender identity or gender expression and are
after 100 people to raise 100 each. Register here.
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