We have Clinics in Wantage & Didcot
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25/07/2013 11:58
Dreaming of that toned body in time for your holiday?
• Interested in Losing 14 pounds of fat in 7 weeks?
• Want to see those abs again?
• Want to be the best version of you, you can be?
• Want to be FIT!
The summer has arrived and everyone dreams of that toned body
ready for the beach….. but how can you get it? Fad diets, 5 minute
workout routines, surgery?? None of these will get you in the shape you
want, deliver any long-term health benefits and can potentially be very
They all promise to make you lose weight, but that is always the answer.
Losing FAT is the answer. How can you target fat loss, improve your body
shape and become more confident? CROSSFIT DIDCOT!
CrossFit Didcot provides a high energy friendly atmosphere for people of
all ages, shapes and sizes to come and enjoy getting fitter. The community
spirit helps everyone achieve their goals and makes training fun. Not only
do you get taught by professionally trained coaches, it doesn’t just end
there, they can provide you with the guidance and tools to change your
diet, physique and your life!
Come down to Crossfit Didcot and after one session you will be
desperate to come back!
CrossFit is a class based activity, Personal Training is available if you
would prefer one to one training.
The next FREE Taster session is on Saturday 12th July at 11:30am
for more information.
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