rces Wales -
Natural Resources Wales is driven by the need for change in a society facing
climate change, dwindling resources and population pressures. We exist
to make sure the environment and our natural resources are sustainably
maintained, enhanced and used, now and for future generations. It has
been a fulfilling start and we have quickly forged links with several equality
organisations in our quest to ensure that we remain an inclusive organisation
that allows for people to be confident in being themselves at work.
Recently in collaboration with our LGBT+ Staff Network we submitted our
second Stonewall Workplace Equality Index submission and are very excited
for the results in January. During the summer we attended both Swansea and
North Wales Prides where we engaged with our customers. Also amongst
many other initiatives, we recently appointed our Workforce Planning and
Equalities Senior Advisor.
Especially around the time of anti-bullying week we are all reminded that
the effects of bullying and harassment can make someone feel anxious and
humiliated. Feelings of anger and frustration at being unable to cope may be
triggered and some people may try to retaliate, others may become frightened
and demotivated. Stress, loss of self-confidence and low self-esteem caused
by harassment or bullying can lead to job insecurity, illness, absence from
work, and even resignation. Almost always job performance is affected and
relations in the workplace suffer.
Derek Carpenter, our Equalities Senior Advisor said: We are mindful
throughout the year that everyone should be treated with dignity and respect.
Bullying or harassment of any kind is in no-one’s interest and is simply not
tolerated here. Together we can stop bullying and create safe environments in
which children and adults alike can live, grow, play and learn.
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