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And to join, visit
or call 0845 057 7000*
Do you value the state
education system enough
to stop it disappearing
bit by bit?
Education is changing forever. From teacher
training, curriculum and assessment through
to inspection, funding, academies and free
schools, almost every aspect of state education
will be dismantled over this parliamentary
term if you allow coalition government policies
to continue unchecked.
Help Make School
Days, the Best Days
of LGBT Young
Peoples Lives
School days can be hard for any young person, but for LGBT young people, school can
be one of the worst times of their lives. They often struggle to find someone to confide
in, and a good teacher may be the only person they can turn to. As a teacher, you can
really make a difference to a young person, who may be experiencing difficulties with
friends, with family or homophobic bullies.
We all know that coming out is never easy, but with confident teachers, whether they are straight, gay,
lesbian, bisexual or trans, to help them through – young people can take pride in their sexuality, as
well as gaining access to services they might need. There’s no more important job than teaching our
young people and being role models for them. As a teacher you can make a huge difference to young
people’s lives and provide major inspiration for their
choices. But it is in the classroom, working with
pupils directly, that all education staff make the most
positive impact.
As the Stonewall publication, The School Report,
pointed out earlier this year 56% of young LGB
young people surveyed deliberately harmed
themselves. Shockingly, 23% of LGB young people
had tried to take their own lives at some point.
ATL believes that every young person and every
teacher, member of support staff and school leader
has the right to attend or work in a school free from
prejudice. Schools and colleges have an important
role to play in combating ignorance and prejudice by
working with pupils to foster tolerance and openness
to, and awareness of, diversity. After all, we know
that homophobic bullying is lower in schools and
colleges where there is a policy on homophobic
bullying and where they respond quickly to such
LGBT teachers can combat these prejudices and
remind others that assumptions should not be made.
Make sure that no-one makes the assumption that
where pupils have two parents, that they are male
and female, or that a reference to a partner means
someone of the opposite sex. Teachers can make
a difference in the staff room as well. Reactions to
LGBT pupils and staff, can range from indifference
to the denial of personal and professional
opportunities, through to harassment and violence.
As your trade union, ATL is with you every step of
the way, to support, protect and advise you. If you
think you have been treated unfairly, then we want
to know about it.
ATL is the union for education professionals across
the UK. Active in the maintained, independent and
post-16 sectors, we use our members’ experiences
to influence education policy, and we work with
government and employers to defend your pay,
conditions and career development. From early years
to HE, teachers to support staff, lecturers to leaders,
we support and represent our members throughout
their career.
Established in 1884, ATL currently represents
160,000 members across England, Northern Ireland,
Scotland and Wales.
or call 0845 057 7000*
e the state
stem enough
Educ tion is chan ing forever. From teacher
training, curriculum and assessment through
to inspection, funding, academies and free
schools, almost every asp ct of state education
will be dismantled over this parliamentary
term if you allow coalition government policies
to continue unchecked.
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